His Own Voice

Xie Ai clicked on the file as it opened. There was only a video in the file. So when he clicked on the video, a pop-up appeared in front of him asking for a password.

"What's the password?" Xie Ai muttered under his breath as he started typing the typical passwords he would often use.

He went on to type down a few options, but in the end, he failed to open the video. He frowned in the end and sat on the chair where the zombie man with glasses was sitting.

As for where they went…

They were probably afraid of this cat.

He pressed his finger on the bridge of his nose and pondered.

It was undeniable that this was made by him. No one could create such a folder in an inconspicuous corner without having anyone notice it until the end. He was a pro at hiding his things out in front of the world if it comes to computers.

Since it was his handiwork, he should have used a password harder for others to find, even himself. But why would he do that?