Only If You Can Catch Me

Xie Ai instantly went on his guard and said harshly, "Don't… Don't take him away. You'd better not take him away from me!"

He acted like a mother hen protecting her little newborns. Perhaps his glance was fierce. So the guards exchanged a glance and finally backed away, grabbing the young man by his arms. 

At this moment, he didn't know what he would do after entering, probably the first step would be to beg the Emperor to let Yu Chen go. After that, he would see what to do once the man was saved.

He walked inside with his head lowered as his heartbeat quickened. His entire body turned cold as he continued to walk. It seemed the entire public was healed, but they perhaps didn't remember a thing of the time when they were zombies, just like him.

Xie Ai was forcibly taken inside the throne hall and pushed to his knees. The guards kept their guns at his head and spoke, "Your Majesty, we brought the perpetrator."