He's Dead

Although Yu Chen knew that he would be attacked, he was still surprised. He reacted instantly, dodging the attack as his eyes shone brightly. He used his hypnotic power the last time.

He knew he didn't have much time. Since Xie Ai was controlled, the enemies must have realized that something had happened here. So they must be hurrying here.

His emerald eyes shone brightly as he looked at the young man, saying, "Xie Ai, you're listing to me."

Xie Ai's body froze as he nodded, slowly saying in a daze, "Yes, I'm listening to you…"

"Good." Yu Chen released the breath he was holding and said, "Now, sit in a meditative position there." He pointed to the ground beside the bed.

Xie Ai nodded dazedly as he said there with a blank expression on his face.