Stay With You

Xie Ai's eyes widened as he suddenly remembered how that player was killed by a siren. While kissing!

He wanted to struggle, but another emotion stuffed in the corner of his heart surfaced his entire being, making his heart yearn for more. He found his heart thumping in his chest as his hands slowly moved and grabbed the man's back, soft and supple.

The siren must have frozen at one point while passing the air before he resumed, ignoring the young man's urge to kiss him. He continued to hold him in arms as he passed enough air and pulled away. Then without saying another word, he dragged the man deeper into the sea, toward the area that was the darkest among all.

By the time Xie Ai returned to his senses, he had already started gasping for breath, filling his lungs with air.

Wait, air?!

His eyes instantly opened as he glanced around.