Kissing him

Xie Ai stilled, but he didn't say another word. His vigilance went over the top as he continued to stand there, leaning against the railings. His cold hands gripped the wood firmly as he stared at the sea, not having any intention of talking to the man standing beside him at all.

Of course, he knew he was running away from things, but what of it? He had more important things to do than to discuss something so stupid.

By nature, despite being an extrovert, there were times when Xie Ai would like to stay by himself and not get disturbed by anyone, especially when things weren't in his favor. This was one of those times, and this instance was one of those instances where he wouldn't go about befriending everyone.

Huh… why did he feel like he had been alone for a long, long time? This feeling of loneliness gnawed his heart bit by bit as if it were eating his last traces of sanity alive, turning him crazy at a very slow pace.