Chapter 45: Escort Quest

The doors to the adventurer guild swung open.

"Dun dun dun dunnn… Dun dun dun dunnn… dun dun dan dannnnn…."

And along with the opening of the door late into the night, came a very strange piece of music.

"Na, nanana na! Na naaaaa…. Na, nanana na! Na naaaaa…"

"What in the world are you doing?"

The receptionist was left with her mouth hanging low as the two adventurers making waves in the guild appeared just a bit before closing time. The red-haired wild beast, Claude, and the prettiest weirdo, Elric.

"It's my theme song. Mysterious and catchy, right?"

"Why are you singing the theme song yourself?"

"Well, I don't see an orchestra here, Claude."

"Uh…" the receptionist intervened. She wanted to rub her eyes and confirm that one of them was here in a blanket, but the customer at the desk did it for her. "A-adventurers Claude and Elric…"