Chapter Ten: In The Middle Of Nowhere!

"Zoe, stop it, you are overreacting." Narika complained, she should have known that it was really stupid of her to explain who Adrik is to her.

Heck! She didn't have a choice, of going back home without telling her regardless, because that's what Zoe was good at.

Pestering someone into finally revealing their tiny little secret to her, although hers was a different situation. This was no tiny secret, as she doesn't know what the ghostman wanted from her.


That's Zoe's entitlement for him, she could give it up for her best friend. She's smart, and had forced her into the car with only one place in mind.

Visiting Morgana's.

The well-known medium who lived across town. Heck! She wasn't able to remember that, since she's so busy trying to fix her confused mind.

"Overreacting? Really Narika?" Zoe looked away from the road, back at Narika's face to see that she was scared. It was not about the town finding about her, and her relationship to some crazy ass ghost who she didn't know what he wanted.

But it was all about finding out what Morgana might call this, she was scared of what Morgana would say about her, and Adrik.

She couldn't pretend nor lie, that she too wasn't scared. This is the first time she had experienced this, especially while it had to do with someone she knew.

Yes! Morgana is her long distant Aunt from her father's side, she was ostracized from the town because of her involvement, in using dark magic to what she called her calling.

She was crazy,y but apart from that, Zoe knew that there's nobody else she knew that would give a better judgment, and solution about this apart from her.

So, she's left with no other option than to keep the fear aside, and try to help her friend before she loses her mind.

This is specially a situation that shouldn't be revealed in public, considering how judgemental the town can be about something like this, and Narika was just protecting herself by keeping it all to herself.

So, she only prayed that her aunt would look beyond the fact,  that she came from Suncity, since she abhors them for what they had done to her, and help her.

"I'm just trying to protect you from him," She confessed, rolling her eyes at her absurd way of thanking her for what she's doing.

"By going to Morgana's?" Narika asked, Zoe might not be the scaredy cat like her but she knew exactly what they were walking into, including her too.

"Relax sweetie, there's nothing my aunt would do to me," she said, and when she realized what she just said, she corrected herself immediately. " Us i mean, chill Narika. Everything will work out fine."

"And if it doesn't?" Narika asked the other question, which everyone was trying to avoid. But she knew that there's a huge possibility that this wouldn't work, she had the feeling of being watched.

She got goosebumps at the thoughts of Adrik, having knowledge about what they set out to do right now. He doesn't look like someone who would hurt either her, nor Zoe if she pisses him off.

But he didn't hurt you earlier.

Her conscience reminded her, but she waved the thought aside. After all, it was only nothing but a dream. There's no way he would hurt her in the dream world, and that would manifest physically.

No! That ain't possible!

"Then we tell your mother, she would know what exactly to do to help" Zoe gave the final verdict about what's going to happen, if Morgana's visit doesn't turn fruitful.

Their car stopped in front of a lonely area, where there wasn't any sight of human beings, houses conclusion, while Narika came out of the car, and observed the area, she had a rethink of mind instantly.

Her aunt might kill them, and use them for her dirty work and no one would know. Absolutely no one, she didn't even tell her mother about this and neither did Zoe, tell her parents because they would stop her beforehand.

"Z..Zoe, are you s.ure we are in the right place?''She stuttered, thankfully the sun hadn't set yet for darkness to grace the earth. She could still see the other parts of where they were.

They are in the middle of nowhere! She did realize where exactly Zoe was taking them, rather she had been immersed in her own thoughts, about how Adrian was going to react if he knew that they were going to get rid of him.

She looked at Zoe, only to notice the slight fear in her face, and that was it! That did it for her, because she wanted to open the car, and go back home but was stopped by her, again.

"Of course I do know where we are sweetie, I'm not dumb. But considering when last i was here, the time frame doesn't measure up for the changes around here" Zoe said with a glee in her face.

"What's so funny about this?" Narika said, " How do you even know where your aunt is, considering the fact that your parents banned you from meeting her?" She asked, in total confusion. Zoe was twisting her words.

Zoe didn't give her any reply, but rather walked up to her before engulfing her arms with her own. " Well unlike you the obedient, and mommy's girl who doesn't take risks.."

"Oh! Shut it" she chastised, frowning a bit at her calling her a mommy's girl. That hurt her feelings a bit, but she didn't see anything wrong in trying to be a good girl, and keeping her family happy.


She loved her parents, and if there's any special way she would appreciate them, that would be keeping them happy by staying out of harm's way, unlike Zoe, the risk taker.

"What, it's the truth. I came here with my cousin during the long vacation, although that's not important right now babygirl," Zoe said, rubbing her arms lovingly  in an assuring approach.

" We need to make a move to save my best friend, and forgive me if you are scared, which i am too. But we can't back down now, okay?" She asked, nudging shoulders with Narika who's face lightened up instantly.

Zoe  always knew what to say to brighten up her day, and now she wasn't that much scared like she was again, about the whole Adrik and Morgana thing.

"Okay" she whispered, taking Zoe's hands into her own and kissed it.

"But if we die, we die a hero." Zoe added, and that made Narika's countenance to change.

" What?"she yelled.

" That was meant to be a joke, sorry sis"

"That's not a joke if we are talking about our … "She trailed on, but was interrupted by the sudden thunder strike that came from the east, of where they stood watching.

" What the fuck is that?" She yelled, hugging Zoe out of fear before Zoes' face lightened up, and dragged her further.

She followed Zoe's hand movement, and watched where the lightning strike was still taking place.

" That sis…" she looked at Narika with a broad smile on her face," is where we are going."

Narika hugged herself in a reassuring way, a scared look once again became visible when she remembered what they were doing here.

But just like Zoe had said, if they die they die a hero. But she's not dying this evening. She knew that, and affirmed for herself and Zoe.

" Let's go, Zoe."