Chapter Twenty-Five: The Player Has Been Played.

"This is so unfair, call my father right now or you all are fired!"Vanessa yelled.

The spoiled ass of Vanessa Ivanov, had left Miguel rethinking on the job of being in charge of her welfare of the little girl, just like her father had ordered him.

He couldn't do it, he couldn't endure it anymore. She was the full definition of a devil, set aside to torment his life.

His first irritation started, when she realized that her father had played a fast one on her. She had thought that she was going to the family house yesterday, only to have her ass,  locked up in the villa as per her dad's orders.

Her dad was out for business, no… he was out of town to tend to her dear mother's health, which had gotten worse, but he couldn't tell her.

Neither could he do that on the behalf of her father, Miguel, had to remind himself on a daily basis that this was his boss's daughter, so as to not lose his control.

Unlike what he had expected at meeting her, she was a mini Jason Ivanov, although hers was just her playing silly tantrums on him, pissing him off to the extent that she poured her breakfast on him.

On him..a retired soldier that would have whopped her ass, for this act had it been her father hasn't called, and ordered him to bring her over to the main house.

Miguel had to let some beef off by hitting the gym, only to return back to hear her yelling at who he didn't know.

But the moment he walked into the sitting room, what his eyes saw made him pissed as shit.

"Hey handsome, you are back already," Vanessa slurred, waving her hands at him while winking at him, she wasn't attracted to him, that's her just trying to play with him.

But his mindset wasn't the same when it comes to his men, they totally loved the girl aside from her being a brat, they taunt his ass daily with the talk of the boss's daughter being inlove with him.

"What is it do you think you are doing,?" He asked two of his men, who were looking ridiculous the moment they turned to face him.

She had them wear a dress, then sat them down to paint their face with paint.. because what she did on their face was no makeup. Heck! She would get her ass sent to jail if she tried doing that to a bride, on her wedding day.

"Boss…" Richard tried explaining, but she sent an annoying look at them before standing up, fixing her short gown.. that literally was see through.

 Does she want their death?

What if her dad had surprisingly walked in here just to welcome her, and saw her in these?

"I was bored,"She simply said, walking up to him to run her hands up and  down his chest. He took a deep breathe, mentally noting to himself that he was digging his own grave, if he took things in his hands, and treated her in his goddamn way to behave.

"Stop it," He simply warned her when her hands went dangerously further down, What's wrong with her?

"Why? Don't act as if you weren't lovin'g it yesterday," She smiled wickedly, closing the space between them but was pushed back by him, and that made her fell on her butt, hard on the tiled floor.

"Aish, that hurts," she cried, rubbing her butt while he rolled his eyes at her. Richard and the other man, that was with him had left already before the sudden appearance of her guardian, Jane.

"Get her ready, we are leaving in twenty minutes." He ordered Jane, who nodded frantically at his order. She was scared of him, just like the others were, unlike some sassy princess.

"No, I'm not leaving." Vanessa declared, from where she sat on the floor with her arms folded, with serious eyes which told Miguel that she wasn't lying.

This is where he would have to use force on her, he's fed up with her in just a day, and what he wouldn't want was her, giving her father a bad impression about him.

"Remind me who is in charge here again princess, because i know that's definitely not you," Miguel sassed, bending down at her level just to remind her of her place here.

"You don't control me, I'm not a puppet just like your men, and tell father i ain't going no where," She added, not scared of him one bit, if anything she loved what she was doing. Pissing him off made her happy, and she couldn't wait to see him explode fully.

He seems to be controlling his anger around her, but that wasn't what she wanted. She needed an excuse for him to let go, so she could remind him his place here.

He was nothing but his father's guard, who had treated her like shit at the airport. Like as if he doesn't know how important he was.

"Sir, I apologize on her behalf.." Jane always being the goody two shoes she was, tried to make amends with the young man, who looked like he was on the verge of strangling her.

"Oh! Shut up, you are so boring." Vanessa rolled her eyes, but what she didn't see was Miguel dragging her by her armpit, as if she was a kid up into his arms.

" What are you doing?" She yelled, with wide eyes trying to get out of his embrace but he didn't let her down.

" Isn't this what you wanted?" Miguel smirked, not caring that were in the presence of Jane. After all, she's no stranger to what she had being doing to him lately." To have my fucking attention, so why the complain, huh?"

"You are such an asshole!" She cursed, punching his arms while he carried her towards her room, with Jane following behind." Let me go!"

He threw her on top of the bed, before he turned to Jane," Fifteen minutes, or i would dress her myself. Your father won't mind either."

He said the last part looking at the embarrassed Maiden, who was still trying to comprehend what had just happened.

She thought she had everything in control, that she could mess with him without him doing anything about it.

But this was a little lesson learnt, he's not afraid to touch her just like she had being doing with him, he's only respecting her dad.

Whereas, she kept her gaze on him while he left their room, knowing fully well that the player has been played.