Chapter One Hundred And Twenty-One: He Has DID.

Camille had given up after many fruitless efforts to get out the closet that Killa had locked her in before leaving. It's been an hour or more since he was gone, and she could feel her breathing getting more suffocated inside the closet.

He locked her here with the intention of killing her, yes. She was sure of that. There's no way any normal human being would do what he had done,knowing fully well how stuffed the place she was in was. After she had kicked and kicked just to get out, she had given up hope and surrendered to the fact that this was where she does.

She's gonna to die in a closet, and this was no good way to die. Camille started to cry at the thoughts of her parents. They would surely get worried if she doesn't call them tomorrow, or the next when she's dead.