Chapter One Hundred And Thirty-Five:They Are Coming For Her!

"Hendrix, where are you coming from?" Naomi queried her son the moment he entered the sitting room late in the night. He didn't know that anyone was up by the time of the night that he had come back, after meeting up with Mario.

He turned instantly to see his mother standing, with hands akimbo. A worried look on her face, and he felt bad for keeping everyone out in the past two days he has left him, with no contacts to calm their nerves down.

Hendrix could remember he had run out of the house in a haste, and he didn't give neither her nor Hanna, any explanation.

"I'm okay mom, but Mario is not okay. I need to tell you something." Hendrix said walking over to where she was, and took her hand." There is something you need to know about Mario. I didn't mean to keep it away from you when i found out. But right now the situation is sorta out of control."