Chapter One Hundred And Seventy-Six:The Prophecy Has Changed.

Marya sat outside on a seat in the foyer, her eyes were out of the road with the hope that Nelson would soon be back. She hasn't been able to rest, nor eat any good food since last night since after that argument with her mother yesterday night.

She heard her mother and Rosa talk about her husband from inside, but she was done letting any of their words get to her. She knew that he would soon be back. 

Nelson was not weak, unlike her mother who was treating him like some naive nerd. He was smart and strong, he wouldn't have headed into the lion's den without having any plans he didn't tell them before leaving.

She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, it was useless to cry since there's no new news yet from him, although she was trying hard to be strong but if he doesn't show up nor call after tomorrow, they are leaving for India.