Chapter Two Hundred And Fifteen:He Doesn't Know Who To Trust Anymore.

With each passing second that Abbadon spent in the dungeon, he was scared. Of course not because of Adrik, but because he didn't know what was running through his father's mind.

He did absolutely nothing to deserve this treatment, if anything, the person who should be locked behind bars should be the twins, Aurora and of course Erin, his best friend, but he has come to realize that he's the scapegoat in all of these.

Maybe if he wasn't trying to be such an obedient child to his father, then he would be out there knowing what is happening. 

He heard happy praises, and cries of victory made towards Adrik and Narika, and ofcourse their son. The new prince that he's supposed to be serving.

A scoff left his lips at that, the last thing he knew Lucifer would do is to bow to that child, regardless of what position the prophecy had placed him in this kingdom, and the same goes to him too. He would rather die than to serve the child, whatever the fuck it is.