Chapter Two Hundred And Thirty-Nine: She's Nothing But A Distraction.

The world is bleeding and it's all because of Rowan.

As he stood on the highest tower the city had, he watched. He watched the way his minions were taking out every single person, whose mind was strong enough to have not been affected by the spells the witch working for him casted upon earth.

The cries.

The pathetic cries of humans, as they called out to their god to save them, made him laugh. A proud smile on his smile that what he had been waiting patiently for was finally happening, and nobody was able to stop him.

He could only come to one conclusion which was that both hell and the crystal palace were afraid of him. Well, they should be because he's coming for them next. 

What he did on earth was just a lesson to show them that he isn't joking, and that none of them, nobody would be able to escape his wrath. But, the word about Narika's son, Ares having grown to master his power, had got out to him through Seth.