How deep is the cut?

Thomas shook his head, then turned to take his leave.

"Son!" his father's voice low and sober, wrapped around his heart like a warm blanket, that's was one thing he'd wished for; his father to acknowledge him, call him son wholeheartedly. Nothing was as special as this moment. He hasn't called his son, son, in a long time.

He turned to him and caught a glimpse of tears glistening in Richard's eyes and he felt as if his heart melted away.

What is happening?

He thought because this was the impossible happening, how on earth is it that the mighty lion became a cat? Richard Decker he knew, wouldn't even blink twice.

"I'm tired son," Richard said, he was tired of his children being apart. It was time for him to make things right. He placed a hand on his son's shoulder and squeezed slightly with a sigh.

"I'm sorry son." He said finally, "I haven't been the best father y'all needed, I've made everything about me… and I'm sorry about that. I hope there is still time to put things back together… I hope it isn't too late."

Thomas was speechless and it was as if an anchor was lifted off his heart. A tear escaped his eyes, he open his mouth to say something and he couldn't move anything past his throat, as it burned with tears.

He smiled softly and wiped the tear that fell to his cheek "I'm sorry too."

And without stressing the conversation any further, Richard embraced his son.

"Hehem!" Emily cleared her throat as she walked in. "That's not fair… where is my hug?" she said and they chuckled.

"Come over here sweetie," Richard said and hug both of them.

It was a beautiful evening and for the first time in a long, long time, they sat together as a family and ate dinner. They talked about Emily's engagement, and their sister, Brooke. And when Richard heard about his grandson he was gleeful.

"Wow… this is the best news there is, I'd love to meet him," Richard said, and suddenly he was all eager to meet both his grandson and the boy's mother.

Thomas told his father about Mary-Anne's illness and it bought a few seconds of quiet to the room.

"Son… let's make sure she gets all the care she needs… hmm.

You can stay here in the villa as long as you need ok, this is your home son. Always."

Exhausted he paced with a glass of whiskey in his hand, his mind deep in lust and devoured by a hormonal drive for immediate Satisfaction, Kieran took a moment to reminisce about the few months he'd spent with Emily, he can't bring himself to accept every moment with her meant something. There was something about her that draws him every single time, he could remember how drawn he was the very moment he set his eyes on her at the party, six months ago. He gave her his card and hope she would call, and she didn't. And when he finally got to meet her again, he made sure she called him.

He could remember every bit of it;

"Kieran Davis."

His voice held a clipped self-assurance, demanding an efficient reply.

Emily took a deep breath to calm her jiggling heart. Speak to the man. She kicked herself.

"Hi! It's Doctor Decker." The words spilled out in a breathy rush. Oh great!

She thought. He's probably hearing the pant of a gold-digger who hopes she's Onto a good thing with this call.

"You do have a very distinctive voice," he said, and it sounded as though he was smiling through the words.

Smiling with pleasure!

A wild, wonderful hope danced through her mind. "You asked me to call," She reminded him. "I'm in a relationship… just so you know..." She blurted out and suddenly felt silly for saying that, she grimaced and slapped her forehead, even calling was a very bad idea. Kieran is a very handsome man, tall, wealthy, and had all the bad boy traits in one box, he was the man of every girl's dream.

Kieran's grin widened, "It's come later than I expected. I thought you weren't going to contact me. I'm glad you have."

It was a pleasure. Warm pleasure. A smile burst across Emily's face. "I'm sorry I just ambushed you with the whole, I'm in a relationship thing, I just—"

"Ah!.. you don't need to apologize for anything, we are two adults talking, nothing to worry about, I'm just trying to catch up with the city I guess, I haven't been back here in years… how about you tell me more about you, I'm intrigued" The sound of satisfaction. "There must be a lot to tell me and I do want to know all of it. Would you join me for dinner, Emily?"

"Dinner…" she repeated dazedly. The invitation had come so fast her head was spinning.

"Regardless of what people might have told you about me since we bumped into each other the other day at the hospital, or whatever you read on the media about me, I promise I'm not the big bad wolf, and you don't have to fear my gobbling you upon the spot," he assured her with dry mockery.

"Right!" she said, thinking the idea of being gobbled up by Kieran Davis had sent her pulse rate zooming. "Where and when," she asked, trying to sound efficient and not too eager. Cause she was eager, she'd be lying if she said she wanted nothing to do with Davis the hot billionaire.

"Whatever suits you, Emily." Which lobbed the ball straight into her court.

Was it a test of how much she would try to screw him out?

What did he expect her to choose?

Best to go for her comfort zone, she swiftly decided, given she was in An absolute tizz about meeting him again. The intimidation of a ritzy restaurant would only make her more nervy.

"Are you okay with a down marketplace?" she asked, wondering if he Preferred the privileges that went with being recognized in trendy surroundings.

"No problem," he assured her.

"Do you like Thai food?"

"Fine by me."

He was very accommodating

Glowing happily, Emily gave directions, "I could meet you there at seven-thirty."

"Should I book a table?"

"No, I'll drop by and ask them to keep me one."

And that was it, they usually both have these wonderful times together at different restaurants, they talked about simple things and yet it felt as if they were having a world-class conversation. Then Emily realized just as he said, he wasn't as bad as she had thought, Kieran was so easy to talk to and so was she to him, he had mean looks but the best sight for her was when she steals a grin from him—Lord! He was so adorable and the likeness grew even stronger, before she could double back, she was in his bed, curled up in his strong arm, having the best sex of her life.

Kieran told himself he just needed a fuck-mate, but they were just lies he made himself believe, Deep down it felt more like he had fallen in love with Emily Decker, his best friend's fiancee.

A few minutes to midnight, Jackson got back to his penthouse, all dressed up in black, with a duffle bag firm in his hand. He headed straight to the bedroom and hid the bag in his closet and returned his gun to a safe behind the large exotic painting on the wall.

"Shit!" He muttered as he saw missed calls and texts from Emily on the phone he left behind on the dresser. With a sigh, he took off his clothes and pulled out a cigarette, lighted it, and took a drag. Exhaling, he walked towards the open window with a lot running through his mind. First things first, he had to make up for ghosting Emily, she must not suspect anything, everything has to go just the way he had planned, so no one would get hurt. Pope isn't a man to mess with, ruthless and corny. Jackson had just a day, and the only open window for him is during the engagement, since it was on the Ellen, guests will be swarming everywhere, and he could easily slip in and out of chadville without anyone noticing. He just can't wait for all these to be over soon so he could enjoy his life with Emily, they'll probably move to San Francisco and have an amazing life there.

But first, he has a lot to take care of.

The engagement party was set to be in the evening, so that was settled. He'll want to talk and mingle with all his loved ones, it was a good thing they didn't invite so many guests that he'd feel overwhelmed or rushed to greet everyone. He had made sure they keep it simple and invite close family and both his and Emily's closest friends.

Soon it was dusk, and Emily was lodged on her couch, wrapped up in this extraordinary sex dream with this familiar face, now he wasn't just haunting her daydream, she let out a tiny moan and opened her eyes.

"God!" She muttered then stiffened a yawn. This was the fourth night in a row since she had been having these sinful dreams. Kieran never even bothered to call after that day at his hotel office, it was just so sad to realize she was just another notch on his belt…

Jackson frowned when he knocked on Emily's door for the third time and no answer. Dammit, where was she? And why weren't there any lights on in the place? It was still early, or she wasn't home, he thought.

But her car was still in the drive, and him standing her up like that was so bad of him to do, he had come up with the perfect excuse and the sweetest apologies.

He glanced at the packages under his arm, and he scowled. He shifted the packages in his arm and banged on the door loud enough to wake the dead, and he was just in the mood to—

"Jack, is that you?" came a groggy voice from inside.


"Who else?" he asked testily. "unless you were expecting someone else." He smirked as she swung the door open.

"Jesus Jack, where have you been?" with a relief sigh, she hugged him. "God!... You gave me a scare." She kissed him.

"I'm sorry babe, I had a bit of trouble with my workers and I misplaced my phone in—"

"As long you are ok, I'm ok…" She stared at the package under his arm and looked at him. "What's that?"

"Oh.." he grinned, "I got you something." He said shutting the door behind him.