Elisa x Itoshi

"Elisa, are you not sleepy?"

Said a sighing voice to her and she looks back immediately.

The one who asked was Itoshi himself, and he was weirded out by the sight of her standing there loosely in the kitchen at night.

"What are you looking for, Elisa? We could be sleeping right now... and since I have I could hear the refrigerator being opened from afar.

Explains Itoshi as he gestures his hands while wearing only pants and no shirt.

At this, while Elisa was frightened... she observed his belly that was fully defined and well cared for.

"Elisa, do you understand what I am saying by the case? We need to sleep."

Itoshi said and he takes her hand and she slaps it.

At this, he is speechless and she sits up leaning her back on the door of the lower cabinet of the kitchen.

"I'm really not sleepy Itoshi, I can't sleep because I worked all afternoon and I slept in my office... and I was looking for a drink to make me more energized for the morning energized for the morning so I can sleep in the afternoon and then drink more things to stay awake in the awake in the morning."

Explains Elisa and she puts her legs together and she puts her head down right there.

At this, Itoshi didn't think twice about sitting next to her and trying to talk to her about it.

"Why have you totally disrupted your sleep? Has something happened to you since Yuriko and I left your ceremonial?"

Itoshi asks as he looks at Elisa's face.

At this, she was silent for a few minutes, and that's when she opened her mouth and started to

explain the reason for all this.

"You know that man I mentioned back at the ceremony? The one who created the perfect cube that trapped Yuriko?"

Elisa asks Itoshi and he simply places his finger on her chin and starts to memories of this begin to arise in his mind.

> In the past.

"The cube was created by a man with a Ginta of the same level as you, only the user is more experienced and evolved. He was known for his unmatched And also of course... many beautiful girls around him. And any being that threatened his life, he wouldn't hesitate to rip the life out of the other the other person's life for the greater good of himself... so improve more with Itoshi and fight in the future, your boy doesn't have even 1% of the experience to fight him."

Elisa explains to Yuriko and she completely understands what she said as she is thinking of an answer.

> In the present.

"I do remember, what happened to him Elisa?"

Itoshi asks with a worried and confused look as he scratches his head.

"He had to leave the country to sort out internal things of his, and he said he didn't have an expected return date."

Replies Elisa to Itoshi and she lifts her head looking at Itoshi's face.

"Well, but at least you can still keep in touch with him, can't you? Even if it's only for a short time... so you don't suffer from missing him."

Itoshi asks and he puts his hand on her head.

At this, Elisa sighs and answers him.

"Yes, having contact I do... but I'm not so used to being without his presence for for a long time you know? He always helped with our ceremonial stuff, the visits, the events, and everything else."

Explains Elisa to Itoshi as she started to move her hands and look around.

"He's a very important person to the ceremonial, and it's hard to spot his absence around there."

Finishes Elisa and she looks down at her own feet.

At this, Itoshi is left pondering an answer to give her, and he simply lets out an answer that would change her thinking somewhat.

"If he's a powerful being even too powerful, I don't think you should worry about him... he'll come back to you soon for sure, you still have me, Yuriko and Aimi okay?"

Said Itoshi smiling at Elisa and he strokes her head so she starts to calm down.

But at that, Elisa starts to cry and she hugs Itoshi tightly and doesn't let go.

"That's what I hope Itoshi, I hope he gives answers one day of when he's coming back.... Thank you."

Thanks, Elisa, for Itoshi's words to amp up her mind.

"You're welcome flower, know that if you need to get something off your chest with me, I'll always be here to listen to you, whether on your cell phone or in reality."

Replies Itoshi and he hugs Elisa back lightly and tenderly.

Elisa at that moment felt a comfort she never felt before, she felt like an angel was hugging her, and that nothing bad would ever touch her... everything felt like heaven when she hugged the boy, she was fine after that.

And at that, the two of them let go at once and started exchanging glances at each other.

"So, are we going to sleep now?"

Itoshi asks as he tries to take her hand but he unintentionally grabbed one of her breasts.

At this, she blushed that he was dumb enough to have done that, and he also felt something strange and started to get the same for her.

"Eh... so, I think I took the wrong part, I wanted to take your hand, you know?"

Said Itoshi totally blushing looking at her and he drops his hand from her breasts.

"No, be cool about it... I guess."

Said Elisa and she is at a loss of what to say after that half awkward moment in the middle of the night on the kitchen floor.

At this, the two looked away for a few seconds... but after a while, they looked at each other again.

"Why are you looking at me Elisa?"

Itoshi asks, but he soon realizes that she wasn't looking at him per se, she was looking at his lip... so he knew what he should do at that moment.

"Itoshi... can we?"

Elisa asks Itoshi and she moved closer to his face.

"Yes, we can."

Answers Itoshi and he moves closer to her and the two kiss.