Yuriko vs Maria

"My calculation is he wakes up 30 minutes later, he doesn't start his fight against one of his classmates for another hour... I hope I'm not wrong."

Said Yuriko keeping an eye on Itoshi's body and he keeps sucking the thumb of his hand to relax.

"Holy shit Itoshi, what's gotten into you for sucking your thumb?! You look like a baby just starting to learn how to sleep for the first time!"

Said Yuriko in her own mind totally surprised at this action by Itoshi at his sleep time.

"Are you in need of something Yuriko? It's been a while since we've seen each other hot."

An unusual girl asks and she sits down next to Yuriko, but her face is not revealed.

"Your voice is totally familiar, what are you doing here? Do you already have a host?"

Yuriko asks looking at her with a mask.

"Heh... you know, just work issues, I don't have a host yet, I'm looking for one actually since I'm a special level Ginta like you."

Maria said to Yuriko and she sees maria's giant breasts moving.

"It's taking too long, isn't it? You're keeping an eye on humans without powers to possess them later...fair enough on your part, however you'll have to pay attention to the winner to see if he would be the ideal boy to live with in your lifetime."

Said Yuriko with a neutral expression and looks into her proud eyes.

"You know Yuriko, you are quite a Ginta...is this boy who is sleeping next to you your real host? He doesn't strike me as a very strong guy worthy of a beautiful girl like you."

Said Maria watching Itoshi sleeping and drooling on top of the couch while Yuriko stands with her head in front of her vision so she doesn't keep watching Itoshi all the time.

"The talk is between you and me, why are you involving Itoshi out of the blue? Now that he is a boy very different from the others you imagine... he has a huge potential in the stratosphere of our species, don't underestimate him because of first impressions without seeing the true power coming from him."

Said Yuriko and she places her hand on Itoshi's waist and Maria sighs after what Yuriko said to her.

"Right, I apologize for involving you in a situation where it's none of his business... being that our talk is between you and me, and I don't want to have to create a strong rivalry against you since I have other pretests to settle."

Said Maria to Yuriko and Maria stands up after giving her last words to her.

"Pretests? Do you have any interest in telling me? If it's not your bother of course... I like to hear some gossip that suits me, even more coming from someone who came from so far away to earth looking for a host to satisfy her."

Yuriko asks and she lightly pats Itoshi's waist and Yuriko stands up to stand in front of Maria.

The two stared at each other seriously and spent a few minutes standing there.

"A special level Ginta is among us, and she can trap one in a magic cube without much effort did you know?"

Maria said and Yuriko starts to have memories of what happened at Elisa's ceremonial.

In the past, at the ceremonial.

At the moment, Yuriko is grateful to be released from the indestructible cube... but she is doubtful about a certain thing and she decides to ask Elisa.

"Next bitch, who created this cube? I'm a special level Ginta different from others out there... I want to know who is the scumbag who trapped me in this shit."

Yuriko asks and on her wrist comes out a sharp blade.

"I understand your curiosity, Yuriko. But it's not a good idea to mess with whoever created that cube. He is too powerful to be faced alone."

Elisa says, with a serious tone.

Yuriko frowns even more and approaches Elisa, with the blade still in her hand.

"I am not afraid to face anyone. If this person arrested me, then she will have to deal with the consequences"

Yuriko replies, with determination in her voice.

In the present, at the reception.

Maria puts on her mask again and turns her back to Yuriko and walks away.

"I know who this Ginta is, but that I think we should solve in the future... for if you don't know, she is missing from the map along with her host, if you want more information of who told me this... you will have to tell me why you stepped into the world to choose a host being that the job of a special race is to be sent to a specific user."

Said Yuriko to Maria and she stops in the middle of the exit door and turns her head slowly to look at Yuriko's face.

"And why would that be any of your business my goal? Even if I break the rules of the president of Geitan City, aka our hometown...is it right not to pick someone with potential? If you said Itoshi has great potential, why can't I also decide the same as yours?"

Maria said and she opens the exit door and turns to Yuriko.

"For I found this boy in the greatest randomness of the world, I fell out of his window and came up with this precious destiny that I am grasping more than anything."

Asserts Yuriko to Maria and Maria begins to get confused.

"How could you take such a risk on this boy, what is your intent?"

Maria asks and she crosses her arms watching Yuriko.

"Well, if you want to know my intentions with Itoshi... then watch the battle take place in the chaos of the arena he will prove what he is capable of as the most powerful human being in this event."

Affirms Yuriko and the two are silent watching each other as the wind whips across the window and makes the hair of the two move in the wind.


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