A brief explanation

"Well, I realized something when you were preparing that gigantic attack against Kiota, and I guess you must be aware of what I'm talking about, right? Not least because you are not naive Renzo." Said Hitto to Renzo and he stands looking away without saying much.

"I am aware, well… I was dumb in that situation, wasn't I?" Renzo asks with a disappointed tone, and the Judge consoles them.

"No, you weren't, but it was dangerous…if you'll allow me to tell you why, I'd be flattered, and I'll tell you how I'm here without having to be in the arena." Worries the Judge, and then he asks if Renzo wishes to listen to him.

Renzo kept watching the moon in front of him and then answered his Judge reassuringly.

"Certainly, boss, I allow myself to tell you what happened over there." Agrees Renzo and a brief dialogue begins.