Darkened thoughts "it's over"

Raising his rifle, the huge man aimed at the sky and saw countless bats making their way towards them, their large wings disrupting the air, causing the air to quicken, creating the harsh wind that caused the dust wave to obstruct their views.

At the moment, others had activated their life scans and the sight of those bats stunned them. Suddenly, the bats let out the same screeching sound that came out from the trailer, though they were louder and combined.

The combined resonating power caused some soldiers to fall, and some had bleeding ears. "Kill them!" Rose hollered as she brought out her blasters, which had the shape of a pistol, with both being identical.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! 

The vicinity lit up as bullets sped toward the incoming bats. Every soldier rushed to a good position. They unleashed unending fire on the night beasts. Screeches of pain erupted from the bat horde, but despite being hit by the bullet, none fell.