
Christian and Raymond made hand signals, and they separated into groups of five to ten. With their laser sights activated, they marched into the place, shooting down the enemies clad in black. The people were stunned. They never knew they were under attack. Some just opened the door only to get shot.

"Move it" A soldier shouted at a woman, a man probably her lover lying on the ground with a hole in his forehead. His eyes were wide open, and within his grip was a gun. Her eyes, which were filled with tears and helplessness, made the soldier soften his approach. 

"Move, lady," he said, and the woman nodded like a chicken while whimpering, but suddenly, she took a blaster which was hidden under the pillow and fiercely hit the trigger. *BANG! *BANG!*

To the woman's shock, she saw the soldier who had fallen, stand back up, his groan had a mix of pain and anger.