Human or not

Derek ignored the gaze of the hunters and took Li Mei straight to her room once he was done with the receptionist.

He had to wake her so she could open the door.

"The medics will be here soon," he said, staring at the beauty who lay half-conscious. He had covered her with the bedsheet and her face while she slept brought a smile to his face.

"Watch her" The tiger glanced at him, growled, and nodded. He got up and went to her kitchen. With deft speed, he made a coffee and sat on the couch awaiting ‌the medics.

He would open his mouth and close it again, 'I ate a night seed' The disbelief in his internal voice went deep.

Derek couldn't phantom what made him eat a night seed and why it had no adverse effects on him. 

He tapped his smartwatch and searched, but all the results went down the obvious path of death, strange mutation, and illness that couldn't be cured as it originated from the rapid change in the cells.