Not Human

"I'm afraid we would have to freeze him because I don't think we can figure out a way before he dies," the fourth doctor said, and the others pondered.

"His vitals are rapidly reducing. I've never seen such a situation when a system goes on a path of self-destruction. Gideon is right. We need to shut down his system." The second doctor's words made the others agree.

"Let's go," he said to Gavin, who had heard their conversation. They made their way to the last floor. The 50th.

The large room had only one tube in the middle, the chilly air welcomed them and the doctors went to work. Setting up the sleep duration.

Gavin stared at the round tube. The blue viscous liquid within shimmered like sapphire and wires as thick as his thighs connected to the bottom of the tube.

Suddenly, Derek's eyes snapped open. His pupils burned with silver and his now silver hair gleamed lustrously. The insane light in his eyes clashed with Gavin's shocked gaze.