Ming Yue the martial artist

"So you are the man that almost killed my little girl," Ming Yue; Li Mei's master said softly. Despite being over a hundred years old, the woman looked like a hot girl in her early twenties. And this wasn't through serums.

But through soaking in rare medicinal herbs that aided her training. Li Mei and Jaiyi also used it which explained their outstanding looks. But this was before Li Mei awakened her soul form.

She wore a tight black combat suit, and Derek knew she came here for a fight, the Katana beside her affirmed that fact. 

'She's a wild one,' he mused inwardly while accessing the woman who held Li Mei from him. From her pitiful gaze, Li Mei wanted to stay with her lover, feel his skin and inhale his addictive scent, but all those became dreams with her teacher being at odds with Derek.

"I am," he uttered two words and kept silent. Li Mei must have told Ming Yue that she was alive because of him, so there wasn't a need to explain further.