Seven individuals walked out of an enormous building with five of them wearing the same uniform, making the other two odd.
"I can't believe you grew taller than me."
Derek chuckled as Jake elbowed his abdomen gently. Jake stood at an amazing height of 1.9m tall, but Derek gaped at him with five inches, which wasn't much.
It felt surreal to the Golden Knights as they watched the silent man laugh and chat with Jake. The vibrant air around him felt refreshing and at the same time, it baffled them, for he seemed like a different person.
"What's this place?" Derek asked Jake. The building behind him wasn't that tall, but what it lacked in height, it made up for it in width.
More than a hundred people were there and being in a place so crowded made Derek feel uncomfortable, for he knew how much keeping your surroundings safe was, but it became a herculean task with so many people moving around.