I've missed you

Two taxis slid to a halt before a black gate attached to a tall black wall that surrounded a large compound, reaching up to ten acres of land. 

After a brief scan, the gate slid open, and both taxis went through the smooth driveway and stopped before a mansion. Its external appearance was like a shimmering black metal with a purple glow at the edges of the building.

The construction crew made a major part of the building with tinted glass stronger than bricks. 

"This is your home," Derek said in surprise as Li Mei coiled her arms around his right arm while pressing her soft body against his. "It's ours," she replied while her plump, bright red lips curled up.

"Seems like this place was your major base," Derek stated what seemed obvious to him because the building looked well secured and from looks alone, it would cost a lot. "We planned on returning with our recent additions this year, but who knew I would find you?"