Angel's turbulent emotions

Gazing into Ming Yue's blazing purple eyes, Derek only found her looks cute. He caressed her sharp facial features, making sure she also gazed into his eyes. "This isn't worth using your weapon." 

As their emotions grew deeper the more they stayed with Derek, both Angel and Li Mei felt mildly jealous of Ming Yue while also nurturing suspicious thoughts. 

"I'll take it," Derek said, making everyone shocked. Angel was about to speak but decided not to because Derek would have his reasons. The location on the map was in an uncharted territory surrounded by a forest, rocky hills, and a vast sea.

It was impossible to transport building materials there without being wiped out by night beasts. Or how were they supposed to build on strong rocks that were just a few meters away from a sea probably filled with monstrous beasts? 

The space was much bigger than Halcyon, but it wasn't habitable. That place was a heaven for night beasts!