Arrival of a Soul commander

"YOU'RE MINE. MINE!! I'LL KILL HER, THAT BITCH, I'M GOING TO KILL HER FOR SEDUCING YOU!!" Li Mei screamed with a distorted face.

Her eyes were blood red, fangs and claws grew, while her huge boobs rose and down as she heaved.

"Li Mei, listen to me," Derek said lightly, but his words weren't getting to Li Mei.


A golden aura billowed off her, the same for her Katana which she used to split the island. 


A deep cut appeared on the walls, splitting the cupboard, causing the kitchen utensils to clatter on the floor.

"SHE WANTS TO TAKE YOU WAY FROM ME! THERE'S NO WAY, NO WAY I'LL LET THAT BITCH BEAR YOUR CHILD!" Li Mei kept screaming while Derek had to dodge the golden arcs that left her Katana as she kept destroying everything in sight.

Derek's pupils dilated when Li Mei said that last part. She did not know about Ming Yue's pregnancy but already abhorred it! This was a serious problem he had to fix.