The Hunt

"What are you thinking about?" Kira left her seat and embraced Derek from behind. She rubbed her cheek against it and chuckled sweetly. 

"Nothing much," Derek shrugged. Kira walked around and sat on his lap, laid her dainty palms on his shoulder and tilted her head.

"Something's wrong; what is it?" 

Derek glanced at Ming Yue before clearing his throat. "It's nothing," he responds. 

The door slid open and Luke walked in with Nora right behind him. "When did you get here?" Derek asked the cute beauty.

"Well, Bao scheduled your hunt to start in the next ten minutes so you have to prepare." Garbed in a white executive suit that clung to her soft curves but not so much that it drove men insane, Nora glowed radiantly. 

Her natural charm and identity as the mistress's daughter made her popular with most of the working community. 

Most of all, her cute face made it hard for people to resist accepting her demands.