
It took an entire day for everyone leaving with Derek to prepare themselves and say farewell to their friends and families before arriving at the airport. 

Standing in the open space, Angel narrowed her eyes as the breeze made her hair flutter. Beside her were Li Mei, Ariana, and the other girls who were there to bid them farewell. 

Behind them were maids and servants with their luggage. 

"Where's Derek?" Ariana asked.

"He has some things to deal with but he'll be here soon." Angel replied and checked her wristwatch.

The sound of a vehicle made them turn. Coming from the right was a heavy white trailer behind a sleek black vehicle.

The vehicle stopped and the doors opened. A silver-haired man in a black trench coat came out from the back while Sam alighted from the other door. 

Although Sam looked charming, he fell short compared to his boss, whose cold looks were boosted by his majestic aura.