95 Cleanup

"Get that thought out of your head, Wolfe Noxus. I can sense your emotions, and I am not calling you, My Lord." Cassie insisted while everyone else slowly gathered their wits.


"Well, we can discuss that later. But more importantly, we need to find the source of the restrictions on everyone's aura and eliminate it before any other groups come along. A group of Witches without their magic is pretty helpless, and we've only got so many bullets." Wolfe reminded them.


"My aura is back already. I think the last one you killed was a Witch because as soon as you killed her, the restriction lifted, and my aura returned.


I would hate to see what price she had to pay to cast that curse, though. Area curses that can restrict Witches as strong as we are don't come cheap in terms of backlash." Noor informed him.


"I think the Familiars are coming around as well." Parker agreed, then nudged her Imp with her toe and startled it awake.