601 Formal Escort

The spell settled into place with a ping of magic, and Wolfe looked down at the armour in front of him.

"You know, the entire castle will have felt that, and they will know that we're in here working with you, even if they couldn't pinpoint the source of the spell. We need a plan to get a decoy set out." Wolfe suggested.

"Fear not, young Magi. For I have prepared for this. The next spell that I would like for you to cast is one that only a Noxus will know. I want you to cast [Necrosis] on this beautiful sceptre, as well as a barrier array. My idea is that we bring it to the throne room and mount it on the wall. Then, anyone who thinks that they are going to take down the [Kind Intentions] spell will grab the sceptre, deactivate its security, and turn themselves into the undead."

That was both hilarious and horrifying at the same time.