928 Seminars Start

The breakfast plates were brought out, and the guests looked at the impressive collection of dishes, each served on its own small plate, but with a whole tray of them presented at once, instead of by courses, as would be normal for a dinner.

Wolfe addressed the room. "This is my preferred way to eat breakfast. Get all the food out at once, and then you can mix flavours. We can get to business after the meal.

Those who would like fertility or Farm Blessings can go to the Ladies Cassie and Ella. Those with other requests can start with me, and we will see what can be done."

That got them through the meal in what might be record time for a group of leisurely Nobles, much to the staff's relief. 

The Countess Dewinter, thanks to her financial issues, had a very limited staff, and not a separate one for meal service, so they all had other things to do, and a lot of cleaning to finish, with so many people coming and going lately.