1124 Event Sidetracked

With no formal plans, most of the dinners were served in the guest suites, including Wolfe's as he relaxed in the movie theatre with half of the Pentacle members.

They had all gathered to plan their outfits for the evening, and for the ones who weren't the best at decorative armour spells to get some assistance to create a properly beautiful gown over a simple base.

That naturally meant that Wolfe was involved, as he had the finest grasp of the technique. 

But now that the witches were all Saints, they were no slouches either. Some of them had great skills at fashion design, and while Wolfe was great at creating outfits, they had a lot more creativity in their designs than he did.

Making twenty-five different outfits that matched their personalities while all containing something silver, even if it was just a necklace or bracelet, was no small task before a formal event.