Call from the Representative of Saudi’s Crown Prince

Ben looked around the coffee shop before he moved his head closer to Arlan. "Mr. Roa, I do have automatic weapons, but I don't have a lot of them. Maharlika is quite strict with their firearm regulations so I only managed to get my hands on a few dozen of them." He then took out an iPad and showed him the pictures of the automatic weapons he had. 

Arlan smiled faintly at Ben as he took the iPad. 'This guy is daring. He even smuggled automatic weapons to Maharlika.' He thought to himself as he browsed through the images. 

There were AK-47s, AR-15s, M4 Carbines, M16s, and a few other powerful firearms. He even got the A5 version of the M40 sniper rifle which was introduced in 2009. 

Arlan's eyes lit up when he saw the M40A5 sniper rifle. "You have some nice weapons here, Mr. Hidalgo. Alright, I won't beat around the bush with you. I want 1 M40A5 sniper rifle, 3 M4 Carbines, and 3 Level IV bulletproof vests. I also want 3...,"