Grave News

"Sir Khalon? Who is this person you speak of?" The Chief Superintendent asked. 

Fabian glared at Zenny for speaking arbitrarily, but now that the Chief Superintendent was asking, he could only answer. "General, everyone knows that we captured Diego, but this was only possible because of the support of one man." 

The Chief Superintendent raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You speak so highly of this person. Is he that amazing?" 

Fabian chuckled and shook his head. "Not just amazing... I dare say that even without us, he could capture Diego all by himself!" 

"What?! There's actually such a person in our ranks?" The Chief Superintendent was stunned by his words.

Hearing this, Fabian sighed and muttered in a regretful tone. "If only he is a police officer, things would have been easier for us. Unfortunately, that person is a mercenary. It is not so easy to hire his services."