Asking for 100 Soldiers

If they had a President under their control, they wouldn't have to worry about their activities. The daily rewards he was getting from the mysterious app were becoming more and more shocking so it was necessary to have some protection from the government. 

"The next Presidential election in Maharlika is still next year, but we should look for a suitable candidate now." Winter muttered in a calm voice.

Arlan nodded his head. "We will talk about this later." He then turned his gaze to Rear Admiral Fuliand and said. "Admiral, can I borrow some of your men? You see, I'm in dire need of soldiers right now." 

The old Admiral was taken aback by his words. "Mr. Roa, how many soldiers do you need if I may ask?" 

"Hmm... Probably a hundred for now." Arlan answered after a moment of thinking. He didn't notice Winter shaking her head behind him.