47th Daily Reward

"Mr. Roa, why are you doing this to me?" Ben Hidalgo muttered through gritted teeth.

Arlan sighed when he saw the anger on Ben's face. "I also don't want to do this, Mr. Hidalgo, but circumstances forced me to make this choice. You won't lose out if you join me. I can guarantee that. In fact, I'll give you numerous benefits. I also won't intervene in your business. You can do whatever you please. You just have to do some tasks for me." 

Ben's expression softened upon hearing this. He then sighed and shook his head. "Since it has come to this, what choice do I have left?" He muttered bitterly. Arlan's power was so much stronger than him. He once tried to do a background check on Arlan, but he was left with many startling discoveries. 

"Don't worry, Mr. Hidalgo. You won't regret the choice you've made." Arlan smiled as he extended his hand to Ben.

"I hope so, Mr. Roa." Ben forced out a smile as he shook Arlan's hand.