Return to Maharlika, Little Punishment

Arlan's group managed to safely pass the safety inspection of the airport staff. When they were checking his fabricated IDs and passport, Arlan felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. Luckily, the airport staff didn't find anything amiss and they were allowed to enter the waiting area. 

"Winter, is there any movement on the Cassano Family's side?" Arlan asked they took their seats. 

"The Legion Military Company placed tracks in Milan so the Cassano Family is still looking for you guys there." She replied in a calm tone.

"Oh? It looks like losing 100 million dollars isn't too bad at all." Arlan was genuinely impressed by the military company's performance. 

"Then what about the De Luca Family?" Arlan's eyes narrowed as he thought about Paolo. That guy was like a poisonous snake. He looked very friendly when they met, but he was actually harboring bad intentions. He didn't even hesitate to betray his good friend Ben Hidalgo.