The President’s Live Stream

While Krizia and Khalon were out to loan money, Arlan and Winter devised a plan on how to eliminate the president. They spent the entire day coming up with a way to make everything go smoothly. 

When night came, Arlan headed back to his bed. "I'm so tired... This is the longest 2 months of my life..." He sighed as he jumped into his bed. He didn't even bother to wear his sleeping clothes. 

Arlan grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly as he closed his eyes. 

Ring! Ring! Ring! 

Suddenly, his phone rang. 

Arlan frowned and covered his ears.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Dammit! Who is it?! Who the f*ck is calling me at this hour?!" Arlan angrily threw the pillow before he sat up straight. He then grabbed his phone and stared at the screen to see who the caller was. 

It was Fabian's number. 

Arlan held back his annoyance and answered the call with a grumpy voice. "What is it?"