99th Daily Reward, Sigurd

After Arlan told his friends about the zombie virus, some of them were skeptical about it, but after his relentless efforts, he finally made them relocate to the island fortress which he now renamed as Last City. 

It took him more than two weeks to convince everyone to live in Last City. At this moment, all of his people had already relocated. He even managed to drag twenty thousand soldiers of the country with the commanding general's help. 

Last City could accommodate five hundred thousand people and more than half of the houses were occupied after nearly three hundred thousand people moved into the city. Most of them still didn't know the reason for the relocation. They were only told that Arlan was giving free housing to his employees. 

The average family in Maharlika could only dream about having their own homes because of the skyrocketing prices of housing so when they heard about Arlan's free housing program, they immediately grabbed the opportunity.