Preparations for the Zombie Virus

When everyone saw the woman on the video, they were all surprised. 

Arlan paused the video when the woman's face was visible. They noticed that her skin was pale white and there were grotesque purple spots that made her look terrifying.

"As you can see in the video, this woman is the first zombie we discovered. This happened in the capital of Pakistan. The government believed that she had some mental illness so they locked her up in a mental institution. As for the victim of her attack, he is currently staying in a hospital." Arlan said as he scanned everyone's expression. 

The people inside the conference room revealed different kinds of emotions. Some were still skeptical, while others started to believe his words. 

"I know that this is very hard to believe, but the evidence is already in front of you. If I didn't know about this virus beforehand, why would I sell all my billion-dollar assets and company shares?" Arlan said in a serious voice.