Another Zombie Horde

Arlan's group arrived at the construction site and they were welcomed by Rex De Guzman and Karl. 

"How are you, Mr. Roa?" Rex smiled warmly at him while shaking his hand. He was very thankful to Arlan. If not for him, the De Guzman Family would have been struggling to survive in the apocalypse. 

Arlan didn't want his people to get affected by his emotions. He smiled as he replied. "I'm good. I've seen your report about the progress of the construction. I hope the zombies didn't trouble you much." 

Rex De Guzman chuckled and shook his head. He took a glance at Karl and said. "With Mr. Vercede and the army, no zombies managed to get close to us. Besides, Catanduanes doesn't have a high population so the number of zombies here is lesser compared to the capital." 

"That's true." Arlan nodded in agreement.