The People Trapped in the Storage Room

Under Arlan's command, Khalon led a team of 100 elite soldiers and 100 auxiliary troops to Cebu. The group brought two assault helicopters and five large cargo helicopters.

"How long before we reach the location?" Khalon asked over the radio.


"We will arrive at the location in 15 mins, sir!"

"Alright. Keep your eyes peeled. There might be survivors waiting for us. Inform me immediately if you discover something."

"Yes, sir!"

The seven helicopters zoomed into the sky.


Inside a dark storage room, several people were huddled together. The room was filled with a putrid smell, but they seemed to be used to this.

"A-Are we going to die here?" A woman wearing dirty clothes broke the silence as she whispered with a lifeless gaze.

No one spoke for a long time.