The Immovable Mountain, Major General Khalon Displaying His Might

"Sir, where are we going?" Hershey asked hesitantly when she noticed that they were going to the restricted area where only soldiers were allowed to go in.

The soldier's expression was solemn as he replied. "A large horde of zombies is on their way to attack the storage facility. We lack manpower so we are having trouble in repelling them."

Hearing this, Hershey's expression fell. "Don't we have enough firepower?"

"We do, but using them might attract more hordes of zombies so we are still hesitant to use the big weapons. The Major General is also fighting the evolved zombies to reduce the pressure on the soldiers, but it's still not enough. We need more people in the frontline." The soldier responded gloomily.

Soon, they arrived inside a big tent where the weapons were stored.

"Which type of guns do you know how to use?" The soldier stared at Hershey who was looking at the array of guns in amazement.