Chapter 6 Intercepted

Aaron Liu could see that the waitress looked very panicked. He didn't expect them to be that panicked when he came into the kitchen. The man expressed his regret for troubling them all.

But without them realizing it, Mrs. Jiang was already standing not far from them. She heard the entire conversation between Aaron Liu and the servant who worked for her.

"It's fine if Aaron Liu wants to go to the kitchen. Go back to your room," Grandma Jiang ordered the woman who served as her maid.

Grandma Jiang understood that Aaron Liu wasn't used to living in her house. She didn't want to distress the young man during his stay.

"Have you eaten yet?" she asked a man who was surprised by her presence.

"I have, Grandma. Sorry to make a scene in this house," Aaron Liu regretted to Mrs. Jiang.

The older woman just smiled slightly without saying anything. That made Aaron think that Mrs. Jiang was upset with him. It felt so sorry to have made a mess in that house all night.

However, what the man was thinking was an exaggeration. Mrs. Jiang wasn't upset at all, let alone angry. Instead, the older woman was worried that Aaron Liu wouldn't feel at home in her house. She hoped the man who saved her could feel comfortable living there.

"How about your wound? Is it still painful?" asked an old woman who had only been living with her granddaughter.

"It's much better, Grandma. I feel excellent." Although he was still in pain, Aaron Liu didn't want to tell Mrs. Jiang about it. He didn't want to trouble further the old lady who had been so kind to him.

"Go to bed early! Tomorrow morning, I'll take you to the company," Mrs. Jiang coaxed, not wanting to tire the man out. She had her plans for Aaron Liu's favour.

Without any resistance, Aaron Liu rushed into the room. It was overwhelming all the kindness and the way she treated him. Everything made him feel burdened and indebted to Mrs. Jiang.

For some reason, the man felt very comfortable living in that luxurious house. Usually, Aaron Liu never wanted to live anywhere besides his house and apartment. It seemed like circumstances and fate had changed everything.

Aaron Liu became much more accepting of all the suffering he had to go through. He didn't want to complain about anything. After all, his parents also lived miserable lives as farmers on a remote island.

After thinking for a long time, Aaron Liu finally fell asleep. His tired body forced him to sleep earlier than usual. Before his family went bankrupt, he never slept past midnight.

The man had always spent his time squandering his family's wealth. Everything was too beautiful and without any suffering. But now it was the complete opposite. Aaron Liu was just an ordinary man who had nothing. Not even a place to live.

In the blink of an eye, the day had changed. A servant came to wake up the handsome man who seemed still asleep.

"Sir! Mrs. Jiang has been waiting for you," the servant exclaimed with some anxiety. She feared the man would be angry that she had come to wake him up.

Aaron Liu still lost in dreams, heard a faint female voice calling out to him. He forced himself to open his eyes and saw a servant beside the bed.

"Did Grandma Jiang call me?" he asked confusedly. It was as if all his life hadn't come together yet.

"Today, you have to take Mrs. Jiang to the company. Did you forget that?" the servant replied.

"Damn! I forgot about it." In the blink of an eye, Aaron Liu ran to the bathroom. He didn't care that the maid was still there.

It feels too sloppy and must be very uncomfortable for him. Moreover, Aaron Liu had already made the good angel-hearted woman have to wait. Before long, the man was out of the bathroom.

"Was it Grandma Jiang who had the servant prepare these clothes?" Aaron Liu asked himself. That's because there was a set of clothes available on the bed. "I have to rush out," he said.

Once he was ready, the man immediately ran out of the room. Aaron Liu rushed out to see Mrs. Jiang. He was afraid that the older woman would be angry with him.

"Sorry, Grandma. I made you wait a long time," Aaron Liu regretted when he was not far from the owner of the luxurious mansion.

Mrs. Jiang was a little taken aback by the man's sudden arrival. She looked at him with an unusual gaze. Not out of annoyance or anger. The older woman was worried that Aaron Liu's injuries weren't okay.

"Did you sleep well last night? What about your wound yesterday?" entreated Mrs. Jiang. She was distraught that his condition had worsened.

"I'm fine, Grandma. In a few days, it will recover quickly. Thank you for worrying about me, Grandma." Aaron Liu was very grateful for all the care and kindness from the old lady.

"Let's go now. It's better to have breakfast at the office. We have a meeting this morning." Mrs. Jiang walked straight to the front yard of the mansion.

A car had been prepared just as quickly for Aaron Liu and Mrs. Jiang's departure. In an instant, the car drove to the address the older woman had given.

"Do you have a driver's license, Young man?" asked Mrs. Jiang to a man who looked like a young businessman.

"I do, Grandma. But it went missing along with the suitcase yesterday." Aaron Liu recalled the incident with the car owner.

Mrs. Jiang didn't want to ask anything more. Aaron lost his belongings because he was trying to save himself. And the man already had nothing, including an identity card.

After walking for some time, when they almost arrived at the company, a car suddenly overtook and forcibly stopped the vehicle carrying Aaron Liu and Mrs. Jiang. There was nothing to do but pull over and stop at the side of the road.

"Get out of the car!" shouted a tall, bulky man who forced the car to stop before it reached the company.

Several thug-looking men got out of the car in front of him. Aaron Liu looked meaningfully at Mrs. Jiang before getting out of the vehicle.