Chapter 23 Charming Some Woman

As soon as they arrived at JL Fashion's skyscraper, Aaron Liu and Jiang Lily rushed out. Some staff members deliberately gave a special welcome to the return of the granddaughter of the company's owner.

"Welcome, Ms Jiang. You're expected in the meeting room," greeted a woman who was quite polite and friendly.

"I'll go straight to the meeting room," Jiang Lily replied without striding to an elevator near the company lobby.

Aaron Liu remained beside his boss. From that day on, he would work with a woman who had always disliked him.

He couldn't understand why Jiang Lily hated him so much. It was as if she thought of him as a criminal.

"Go ahead, Miss." Aaron Liu said to Jiang Lily once the elevator doors were revealed.

"Show me if you're an assistant worthy of working with me!" said Jiang Lily to the handsome young man her grandmother had chosen.

"Yes, Miss." Aaron Liu replied very politely.

After all, the man had to be on his best behaviour, and the slightest mistake could complicate their relationship. Of course, that could be better for work. Forcing Aaron Liu to restrain himself and not be provoked by Jiang Lily's arrogance.

Once inside the meeting room, everyone immediately got up from their seats. They all stood up and paid their respects to the leader of JL Fashion.

"Have a seat! I'll introduce my new assistant. He is Aaron. what's your last name?" Jiang Lily didn't know her new assistant's last name at all. "No need to answer! Aaron is enough," she continued again before the man answered her question.

"Welcome aboard, Mr Aaron." They all gave him a pretty good reception. Not without reason, everyone in the room had seen the man come with Mrs. Jiang a while ago.

"From now on, Aaron will take care of all my work. You can contact him directly." That was the last sentence said by Jiang Lily before ending the meeting.

There was one thing that bothered her. It made Jiang Lily uncomfortable to be in that room longer.

That reason also made Jiang Lily choose to go straight into her room. She immediately sat on a chair with a sour and unhappy face.

Aaron Liu looked very confused and anxious, seeing his superior's expression. He suspected that there was something that made Jiang Lily feel uncomfortable being there.

"Is Miss okay?" asked Aaron Liu to a beautiful woman with a gloomy face.

"Do you deliberately want to tease all the women in this office? You think it's great that you can attract their attention, huh..." Jiang Lily teased with a sour face and was, of course, quite furious with the unpleasant scene inside the meeting room.

Jiang Lily could see that all the women in the meeting room were paying more attention to Aaron Liu. The charm of her assistant had hypnotised them entirely. It made the beautiful woman feel very uncomfortable and also uncomfortable about it.

Meanwhile, Aaron Liu needed help understanding what his boss was saying. He felt he had done nothing wrong that might have made her angry. But in reality.

"What do you mean, Miss? I feel like I haven't done anything," Aaron Liu explained as he felt he hadn't done anything to flirt with the women in her office.

"You hypocritical man! You think I'm stupid; I saw for myself that you deliberately charmed them all." Jiang Lily said of her suspicions of the assistant.

"It seems that Miss has misunderstood." Aaron Liu was increasingly unable to understand the woman's way of thinking. It was as if whatever she did was always wrong for Jiang Lily.

Again and again, Aaron Liu thought, still unable to understand the beautiful woman who seemed to hate him so much. Like a wrong fate, the two were like oil and water that could never come together.

Jiang Lily got up from the chair and looked at her grandmother's confidant. She felt that Aaron Liu's presence was her undoing. Her grandmother had become a little excessive since the appearance of the mysterious man.

"Can you make coffee for me? I'm so sleepy and can't focus on work." Jiang Lily said to her assistant.

"Please wait a moment, Miss. I'll make coffee for you." Aaron Liu rushed out of the room towards the pantry without wasting time.

The man had asked a few people about the existence of the pantry. Fortunately, a woman was willing to help him make a cup of coffee for Jiang Lily.

In no time, Aaron Liu was back in his boss's room. He placed the coffee on the table right in front of Jiang Lily.

"Have some coffee, Miss." Aaron Liu said that with a bit of anxiety. He was afraid that the coffee he brought was not to her taste.

Without giving any answer, Jiang Lily immediately drank the coffee and showed a significant change in expression. That made Aaron Liu panic, and he feared she would get angry. It was nothing, and he didn't want to show their lousy relationship in front of everyone in the office.