Chapter 91 Detective Yang?

In a pretty tense situation, and of course, there was no other way. The man in the car was forced to reveal himself to the two bodyguards working for the Jiang Family.

The man slowly opened the car door and got out to face the two big men standing next to the car. Immediately, the expressions of the two bodyguards showed shock. They couldn't believe what was in front of them.

"Detective Yang!" they both exclaimed in shock. They both knew that the man was a highly respected detective. Suspecting him was tantamount to digging his own grave.

"It's the two of you," he sneered with some annoyance. He felt very disturbed by the actions of the two of them. "Why are you interrupting my journey?" He asked harshly.

The two men looked at each other. He could not lie to someone who had helped him so much to get to the top of his career.