Chapter 115 Luxury Proposal

"What the hell! Can't you watch your mouth? Especially when you say that in front of my wife!" snapped Aaron Liu with a panicked face. He didn't want to create suspicion in his wife.

"Wife? What about the woman you proposed to at this restaurant?" That woman was the restaurant manager and a friend of Aaron Liu's.

Some time ago, Aaron Liu had made a lavish celebration when he proposed to Miranda Choi. The entire staff, as well as some of his close friends, witnessed the romantic moment.

Unmitigated, Aaron Liu spent a lot of money to rent and decorate the restaurant according to his fiancée's wishes. However, all that sacrifice and sincerity no longer mattered to Miranda. The woman prefers being with another man rather than her future husband.

"Our relationship is over. Then I married my wife." Aaron Liu did not want to discuss the disgrace of his relationship with Miranda. He preferred to keep it a secret from his friend.