Chapter 168 You're Dead!

Not wanting to answer that question, Aaron Liu just left. He left Lee Hana still hoping for an answer to her expression of feelings.

Unfortunately, that man was so cruel to other women. Only Jiang Lily could conquer Aaron Liu's heart back then. He never cared about any woman who tried to get close to him.

Not wanting his mind to be muddled, Aaron Liu headed to his car. He deliberately left the company without bringing the driver or the two bodyguards usually with him.

His mind was too frantic and chaotic. A divorce had broken his heart and his life. In fact, the pain exceeded the betrayal Miranda Choi had committed against him.

"Stop the car, Sir! It's dangerous if you go alone!" the bodyguard shouted when he realized Aaron Liu was already speeding away in the company car.

"Shit! We have to catch up to Mr. Aaron." The two bodyguards immediately entered the car to catch up with their boss. They both drove very fast to catch up with Aaron Liu.