Chapter 175 Hu Xianxu

Aaron Liu widened his eyes, staring intently at the man he knew so well. In fact, their relationship was quite close before the man finally took care of business abroad.

"Hu Xianxu... How did you become Li Xian?" asked Aaron Liu with a shocked face.

"What do you mean, Aaron? Have you two

have known each other? "Not only was Aaron Liu surprised, but Jiang Lily also couldn't believe the two men knew each other.

"Aaron was my close friend before I took care of business overseas. Our relationship was tenuous, and there was also a lack of communication when I was busy with my work," Hu Xianxu explained to a woman he knew a few years ago.

Jiang Lily immediately covered her mouth with both fingers. It was too hard to believe everything she was hearing. The woman was quite devastated to be involved with two closely related men.

Li Xian was adopted as a child of the Hu Family. A wealthy family that was expanding business at home and abroad.