Chapter 194 The Intimacy Between Jiang Lily and Hu Xianxu

At the apartment, Jiang Lily had just returned after going around with Hu Xianxu. The two of them returned home after it had gotten dark. The couple sat on a chair facing the window on the side of the building.

"Don't you intend to return to JL Fashion, Lily? What about your job?" asked Hu Xianxu softly, meaningfully.

"I don't seem to want to return to the company. Moreover... Aaron still controls JL Fashion. It would be better if I didn't get directly involved," Jiang Lily explained about her decision not to return to her family's company.

"Isn't it the other way around, Lily? If Aaron is still in the company, you should be there instead. What if he seizes all your rights to the Jiang Family?" Hu Xianxu urged her not to be so foolish as to let go of JL Fashion so quickly.